Pink Shirt Day! Bullying Awareness and Prevention

Pink Shirt Day! Bullying Awareness and Prevention

Did you know that Pink Shirt Day started in Canada?

It originated in Nova Scotia, where two young men stood up to bullying in their high school.
A new student was being bullied, and was harassed even more when he showed up at school wearing a pink shirt.

The two young men went to a discount store and purchased 50 pink t-shirts. They gave them out to fellow male students to wear, to support the new student being bullied.

The Boys and Girls Clubs' Pink Shirt Day initiative started in 2008 in the Greater Vancouver Area. It has now grown to become a national day within the Boys and Girls Clubs across Canada, as well as receives much support outside the Clubs!


So... How can we support Pink Shirt Day? 

Project Ideas:
Make a poster, picture, painting about bullying
Create a list of resources that someone can use if they are being bullied
Add to the "Hands Against Bullying" wall in the lab
Make a short film about bullying, or interview someone about it
Use a camera and take pictures to raise awareness - remember, you can ask people to pose as your subjects!
Reach out to someone who has been bullied
Write an article for our newspaper 
Write a blog entry/multiple entries
Make a flyer about what bullying is and how to stand up against it, to give to schools/community centres, etc.


Stuff we've already done:

Watch the video:

Then... do the quiz: