Make your own yearly calendar, tailored to what you like!
1. Go to Microsoft Publisher in the Start Menu on the computer
2. Different templates will open - click on the "Calendar" icon, and choose your own template from there
3. Look at the right side of the page - see where it says that you can edit the dates? Make sure that you put December 2012-December 2013 in there, or you will end up having to create your calendar month by month, and put in the dates yourself!
4. Pick a theme for your calendar. If you aren't sure what a theme is, try looking here for a definition: Some examples of a theme could be your favorite band, exotic animals, types of apples, etc.
5. Once you have picked your theme, it's time for the fun part. Find pictures that you would like for your calendar! Remember that you will need at least 12 pictures, as there are 12 months in a year. You can always find a bunch and then put them into a collage through a program like, or through the Paint program on the computers!
6. Once you're finished finding the pictures and saving them, it's time to get them into your calendar template. You can always ask for help if you get stuck!
7. You may want to get some help for this part (I know that I had to look these up on the computer!), but it's time to add in the holidays etc. for the year. Feel free to add your birthday, your parents birthdays, or anyone else you want to remember. It's YOUR calendar!
For those of you that decide to do the calendars and really put in some effort, we will get them printed off for you so that you can take them home.
Have fun!